About Cerebro.

A letter from our Founder.

It was a Sunday afternoon. I sat there, staring at my screen, 40 tabs open - a mix of YouTube videos and articles I desperately wanted to consume.

After watching the first video at 2x speed for 40 minutes, I realized I still had 39 tabs to go. The weight of unread content pressed down on me.

So, I did what any 'sane' person would do. I spent the next hour listening to a podcast while multitasking to create a database in Notion.

Categories, tags, links - all meticulously organized. Anything to clear those tabs and ease my FOMO.

I called it my 'Resonance List.' It was beautiful, organized, perfect. And completely useless. Months passed. My carefully curated archive gathered digital dust. Unused. Unread. A graveyard of 'someday' knowledge.

Then, two things happened:

First, my Notion subscription lapsed, and with it, my precious Resonance List began to vanish. Second, I found myself deep in mobile game monetization research. I'm talking waybackmachine and research papers deep. I needed a new tool.

Enter Obsidian. I loved it. But to use it effectively, I had to:

  • Watch an 11-minute tutorial
  • Sit through another 30 minutes on personalization and plugins
  • Spend 48 hours tagging, cataloging, and connecting information

As I slogged through this process, a realization hit me:

Something had gone terribly wrong with how we handle information. The internet's explosion turned what was once an unfair advantage into a burden.

Throughout history, access to information has shaped the world:

  • Socrates sparked a revolution of thought in ancient Athens.
  • Gutenberg's printing press democratized knowledge in the 15th century.
  • The internet connected us to a world of information in the blink of an eye.

For centuries, those with knowledge held the keys to power, innovation, and progress. But something changed.

Today, we produce more information in a day than our ancestors did in a lifetime:

  • 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  • 2 million blog posts published daily.
  • 48 million podcast episodes available at our fingertips.

What was once a precious resource has become a tidal wave threatening to drown us.

Too many books. Too many podcasts. Too many articles. And the tools meant to help us were getting in the way.

We're no longer starved for information - we're drowning in it.

The result? Mental fatigue. Decision paralysis. The constant anxiety of missing out on something important.

That's when I knew I had to build Cerebro.

Cerebro is the tool I wish I had all those Sundays ago. It's designed to work for you, not the other way around, is your digital sanctuary in the chaos of information. It's not another app demanding your attention - it's an AI-powered assistant named Nova, working tirelessly to organize your digital world.

With Cerebro:

  • Capture any piece of information effortlessly
  • Let Nova connect and contextualize your knowledge
  • Access exactly what you need, when you need it

Cerebro doesn't just store data - it understands it. It learns with you, evolving to meet your unique needs.

No more wasted Sundays. No more digital graveyards of unread content. No more fighting with your tools.

Cerebro helps you find what truly matters. It turns the flood of data back into the powerful resource it was meant to be.

And the best part? When you stop paying for a subscription, all your data, organization, and insights stay right where they are. Your knowledge remains yours.

This isn't just another software, this is a love letter to the world learners, to curious minds, and to those who love their time.

At Cerebro, we remind ourselves daily that we're at the beginning of our journey. The gap between where we are and where we want to be drives us forward.

By supporting Cerebro, you're not just getting a tool. You're joining a movement to build the best knowledge-gathering assistant possible.


Carlos Domingues

Founder, Cerebro

P.S. Don't let another tab go unread or another idea get lost. Start your journey with Cerebro today and be part of the knowledge revolution.